Abatement Issues in NanoTech Construction

When constructing NanoTubes and other super tiny devices especially those which replicate themselves one has to be careful not to allow them out side the manufacturing facility and into the wild; that is to say outside the building.

They are so small that most membrane filters cannot stop them from getting out and therefore their needs to be perhaps liquid gaps between filters. But even the walls of a building may not be secure enough.

We know from infrared heat escaping detection devices that air escapes around window sills and we also know each time we open the door we escape the building along with the air around us and the microscopic material stuck to our clothes as well.

Now consider things smaller than a speck of dust by 100-fold or a 1000-fold getting outside the building and then continuing to replicate on their own. For how long; well, how about forever for starters? Interesting and intriguing indeed isn