Safety & Windows Installation

When working with windows, you will likely need a ladder for installation. Before you begin, make sure that your ladder is strong and secured. It may be a good idea to have someone to hold the ladder while you are working. This will ensure that the ladder will not sway and will give you a better sense of safety when someone that you trust is helping. Check to make sure that the ladder is not broken or the steps are not weak. If nails are protruding or anything appears damaged, fix it immediately before attempting to climb up.

Selecting Windows

When selecting the perfect windows for your home, consider purchasing a product that has a warranty and always purchase from a reputable dealer. Ask questions and never leave the sales floor until they are all answered with certainty.

Installing New Windows

Be sure that you purchase the windows that you want to install prior to making the opening in your wall. Windows fit in the rough opening of the wall framing, which should be slightly larger than the window to allow for a good fit. Your new windows should have detailed instructions, which dictate the size needed for an opening and other important information. Be sure to read the instructions carefully prior to beginning installation of your windows.

The first thing that you will need to do, when purchasing new windows, is to make sure that they are not cracked or broken. When you