An Immortal Horse


Egyptian scholars know there is little other than fiction that can be written about the civilization that lived on the banks of the Nile in far more recent times than the beginning of the 'Old Copper Culture'. All these things are related and the old fictions are replaceable with the story of a worldwide culture with trading posts in each and every part of the world. Is there any remnant of cultural pride in Iran that treats the ancient metallurgists of their region with a different kind of respect than our history attributes to them? Does anyone think these nationalistic ideologues and pedagogues of today are real and honest presenters of fact? The whole concept of nationalism and most other 'isms' (except ecumenicism) need close scrutiny. The area of the Snake River in east central Minnesota may have been the site of copper mining when the glaciers covered the Great Lakes. Would it be possible for people 20,000 years ago to have been mining these sites and lost their access due to the glaciers? We humbly suggest this is the case and that they then returned as the glaciers melted. Petaga Point and work by Peter Bleed in 1969 may offer a starting point for that kind of thinking. He wrote The Archaeology of Petaga Point: The Preceramic Component by the Minnesota Historical Society.

"Petaga Point is a multicomponent site in central Minnesota near Mille Lacs Lake. The earliest levels appear to have Old Copper affiliations. The stratigraphy of the site was badly disturbed by forest clearing and modern habitation, and the presented stratigraphy is basically a statistical reconstruction. In this book, Bleed is the first to suggest a possible native copper source in the area of the Snake river in east central Minnesota."(1)

This area is included in the culture we call Aztlan and involves Wisconsin sites such as Reigh, Osceola and Riverside. These sites may explain why there are no burials on Isle Royale or the Superior copper mining sites to the north. In the case of Riverside it is much later according to the archaeologic data and 1045 B.C. would have been a period of the Dark Ages when much worldwide technology was lost after the Trojan War. Walter Kenyon wrote about a site on the shores of the present day Lake Huron which was further inland and relates to a time when the Great Lakes were far differently configured.

"The Inverhuron site, located on the east shore of Lake Huron in Ontario, was excavated in 1956. The archaeological materials are contained in beach deposits, with earlier materials farther back from the present shore. A conical copper point was recovered from the limited testing of the extensive Archaic component. Kenyon compares it to those found at Farquhar Lake (Popham & Emerson 1954:18). He also describes a stone adze with an unusual form which he feels may have been derived from Old Copper celts."(2)

The next brief report raises the issue of the horse that was once native to North America. It disappeared around 8,000 B.C after the Carolina Bays Meteors that are responsible for many of the instrumentation effects in the lower to middle Bermuda Triangle region. The horse may thus have actually been used in native copper mining of America. But we are convinced the issue of who the natives are that did this mining, is significantly up in the air or an outright cover-up (If you are inclined to conspiracies other than 'LOVE' as Father Pierre de Chardin who worked on Piltdown and with Black in China, asked us to begin.).

"1954 The Old Copper Assemblage and Extinct Animals. 'American Antiquity' 20:169-170.

Quimby analyses an occurrence of deeply buried copper artifacts and associated animal bones near Fort Williams in southwest Ontario. The discovery, made in 1913 and 1916, was recorded in a geological report. Quimby reasons that the site may date to the Altithermal, approximately 3500-2000 B.C., and that the bones are those of the bison and the extinct native horse." (3)

This extinct native horse is around later than other data unequivocally states the horse was extinct in North America. It is almost too hard to believe there would be no other horse remains over a period of even a thousand years unless they were all completely domesticated and the bones didn't exist because their owners cremated them in reverence. That is indeed a possibility when one considers the relationship various Keltic peoples had for the horse (but highly unlikely due to the way horses thrive in the wild.). Might we suggest another alternative? The horses found here had been brought to America to work milling machines on the route to the Trent or other Ontario river system routes that were used once the Ottawa River was no longer the conduit for Great Lakes water? This is at the end of the Old Copper culture and the location the horse was found is in close proximity to Isle Royale. I don