Do You Think for Yourself or Do You Just Think You Do?

I just got off the phone and, as often happens, the urge to write was like a tidal wave. I get my best inspiration that way :)

Due to this conversation, I'm about to touch on something that I did not think I would ever put into print. It just may do one of three things:

1. Inflame you

2. Make you curious

3. Not make a bit of difference to you.

I hope it gets you thinking.

Our topic of conversation initially began about health, swung to marketing, and ended up "saving humanity from itself."

I found myself, to my surprise, on the "odd end" of the argument. A stance I never thought I'd take...

The thing is... for years, okay most of my life, I've lived under the shadow that we are destroying the planet we live on and ourselves.

I've heard all the disaster warnings... melting ice caps, air population, the land. I believed just like you probably do that we're dooming ourselves through our greed and/or ignorance.

I've read great scientific articles (by great I mean easy to read and compelling) in various publications that I'd deem overall "trustworthy." The theme is the same over and over... we're killing ourselves.

However, recently I received an eye opener and it came through an unlikely, and probably overlooked, source... a fiction novel.

This work of fiction was just that, pure fiction. The author did not lay claim to presenting anything other than an entertaining story.

Frankly, I struggled with this story for more than 7/8th's of the plot. Not because it wasn't gripping enough... it was... but because the evidence provided went against every grain in my body. My own belief system stood on its head.

And while I desperately wanted to poo-poo the whole thing as just a story, the author's researched sources for the varies pieces of "scientific proof" were real and undeniably first rate.

Authentic sources. Real research by real scientists.

I struggled. I just knew that...