Fake Sales Calls from Competitors; Note to Sales Managers

Have you ever been shopped by your competition and they call up and ask questions and you put a salesperson on it to see if they can answer all their questions and turn the incoming call into a sales call. They ask all sorts of questions and your sales person answers to the best of his ability, even often kind of over stepping company policy bounds of the information given to hopefully make the sale and not sound rude?

Well imagine how the sales person feels after he figures out the hot prospect is nothing more than a dirty rotten competitor trying to trick them? Imagine how upset you are when you find out the sales person just told him about 4-5 of your newest accounts and some deals which are not completely closed yet. Obviously with your competitor having this knowledge he hung up the phone and is now scheduling a meeting with those potential clients. Remember you best customers are your competitions best prospects.

Sometimes sales people need to be on a