Reality TV Shows Taking Over Television

Reality television shows first burst onto the scene back in early 1990s when the television show Real World first premiered. Even though that show started in the early 1990s, more reality shows did not really pop up until the late 1990s. Once survivor came out and was a huge ratings hit, everyone started to jump on the bandwagon and produce shows about anything and everything. Their have been shows such as The Bachelor and For Love or Money that are dating shows. Their have been shows such as Big Brother in which people live together and compete for prizes.

A lot of reality shows have been broadcast but many of them bomb. By now this is a trend that most would think would have died down but it has only picked up lately with Skating with Celebrities and Dancing With the Stars being popular. With the way things are going there is only a certain amount of time for shows to broadcast and reality show will not get dropped in favor of them even though many of them fail, so who will be the loser. If more and more reality shows get picked up less sitcoms will get picked up. Dramas are just as popular as reality shows right now so networks won