What is Real Health and Wellness?

What is health? Health is the state of our physical being whether excellent, good, or poor. The state of our health may depend on several factors: heredity traits, environmental conditions, food and drink choices, fitness and exercise habits, sleep and rest, our thoughts, and our emotional state of mind. All of these are important and can be affecting our state of health if not in balance. Though we may have inherited physical weaknesses, just as weaknesses in other areas of our lives can become our strengths, so can our inherited physical weaknesses if we choose to take the time and effort to do so.

Why is excellent health important? Think of going out and buying a brand new automobile. You will first consider the warranty, extended warranty, maintenance, insurance, and more to assure you that this vehicle will give you the best performance for the longest period of time. If you knew you would have this automobile for the rest of your life and that one only, would it make a difference in how you treated it now as well as a few years down the road? Most, however, take better care of their automobiles than they do their bodies. You have a body that will last until the end of your life, and how well it performs and how long it lasts depends on your care and attention. How well do you treat your physical body? Do you give it the best fuel for peak performance, or is the fuel clogged and dirty which causes your body to sputter and quit on occasion? Do you give it a good wash and cleaning both inside and out on a regular basis, so it is free of dirt, debris and clutter? Have you invested in top, high-quality products on the market that will extend your body