Tooth Decay and Diabetes Are the Same Disease

How can you possibly say this?

At first glance, this sounds ridiculous. Diabetes has to do with a glandular organ called the pancreas which is situated behind and slightly under the stomach and tooth decay is a rotting process which occurs in hard tissues of the teeth. The teeth are in the mouth and the pancreas in the peritoneum. They are very far from each other in the body space.

Have they anything in common?

Both teeth and pancreas are organs of digestion. The teeth are at the very beginning of the process, cutting up the food and mashing it in saliva into a suitable form to swallow into the stomach. When the stomach has done its job of further breakdown by acid, the food is pushed on into the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum.

The pancreas

It is here that the pancreas secretes its contents to bring about further breakdown by enzymes and begin the process of absorption. This process harvests the building blocks of the body