10 Action Tips to Manifest Your Dreams

Are you disappointed, discouraged and discontented with your present level of success? Are you secretly dissatisfied with your present situation? Do you want more abundance, inner peace, joy or happiness? Do you want improved health, a lighter body, or an end to a food obsession or addiction?

Yes, you can have what you want! Of course you can. But accomplishing your dreams and creating change is difficult. Despite this fact, at certain times in our lives, we dare to dream of a bigger life. Courageously we bring an inner desire up into ourselves and feel the magnificence of a greater life. Excitement begins to bubble, our hearts open as we anticipate new possibilities. Using all available skills and tools we set forth in the achievement of this new dream. All too soon, the inevitable occurs: our bubble is burst. Reality hits us between the eyes and tells us we cannot have what we want.

This is exactly what happens when we dare to venture into new dreams. Why? Because a dream is something we have never had before. It is an imagined reality, a fantasy, a made-up pretend world never before experienced by us. We dare ourselves to discover if we are capable of creating new beliefs and a new world. The risk and fear is that since we do not currently have what we want, therefore we are incapable, unworthy, undeserving or not allowed to have more in the future. The soul purpose of dreams is to create new beliefs about ourselves and uncover strengths we did not know we possessed. To get through the challenges of the journey, the following steps can ease the way:

1) Acceptance. Acceptance is simply recognition. Recognition is vitally important, because to recognize what doesn