Hurricanes and Business Sales

If you are a salesperson and you know when you live in a hurricane area, then you also know that the potential for your sales commissions will drop drastically during the Atlantic tropical hurricane seasons. In the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season we saw storm after storm and a season that lasted even through the new years.

Imagine being a salesperson in the area and having all the phone lines down and many roads were un-crossable and power was out in many areas and you could not reach your potential clients or your prospects because their businesses were closed or they had evacuated from the area.

Imagine being a commission only salesperson and finding out that some of the companies that you were trying to sell to will not reopen and are now closed forever. Imagine when all your hot prospects got back to work and they had other things all their minds because they were so busy since they themselves were out of work for weeks on end.

Imagine trying to get your prospect interested in what you have to sell when they are worried about the next hurricane coming in and what to do about it. Imagine being a salesperson in a climate like that?

Well, I've met someone who had to deal with all of that and he decided to move to Atlanta and go get a new job and he was unwilling to go back to the Guld Coast to try to be a salesman again. If you are in a sales career or perhaps you'll think of this in 2006

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author