The Many Faces of a Fence

A fence is many things. It can be an effective way to keep unwanted individuals from trespassing on property, and at the same time, it can prevent small children and animals from moving outside the boundaries of a property. A fence can also be simply aesthetic, used as a way to increase property values by making a visual statement.

When it comes time to select a type of fence, believe it or not, there is a lot to take into consideration. First and foremost is the purpose. Will the structure be used as a way to provide privacy? Is the structure required by local regulations? Is it needed to restrict the movement of livestock? Or is it strictly a decorative feature? Knowing its purpose will help when selecting the materials as well as the style.

Nothing says charm quite like a white picket-style fence. Typically not more than three to four feet high, this style is primarily decorative; however it is effective at containing small children and animals. A chain-link style topped with barbed wire definitely makes a statement. It says,