To Successfully Obtain Business Capital Every Business Needs A Coach

If you are a business owner the task of obtaining business capital can be very daunting. Most businesses fail because they have never been taught how to obtain financing and therefore they have no clue where to begin. The Small Business Administration reports that 97% of business loan applications fail.

The importance of seeking expert assistance when setting up business credit has many business owners turning to a business finance coach to help them establish their business credit. One of the biggest mistakes made by business owners is that they attempt to obtain business financing using their personal credit. You should never use your social security number to obtain business financing. Personal credit has to be separated from your business credit.

Until your business has three separate business credit scores, any financing that your business receives will be based solely on your personal credit scores and your personal assets. A good example of this would be if you wanted to buy a home, but you had no personal credit scores. You would get declined, and funding a business is no different. You need to have business credit scores established to even get looked at for a business loan. Having business credit scores established are just a start in the finance process. There are 20 other items that must be in place before you apply for business loans.