Women Issues - Top 10 Leading Causes of Female Deaths

The top killer for women is heart disease, which claims nearly 489,000 deaths each year. Heart disease kills more women every year than all types of cancers combined. Because of the common misconception that heart disease primarily affects only men, only 13% of women are aware that this disease is a major threat to their lives. However, heart disease is still a preventable disease. Women can reduce your risk of getting a heart attack by making the following lifestyle changes:

First, quit or avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Limit or eliminate alcohol intake. Perform regular cardiovascular exercise to stimulate blood circulation and in maintain a healthy body weight. These steps significantly reduce the stress on your arteries and heart. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and/or high cholesterol, you must consult with your doctor as to the best ways to bring these other risk factors under control.

Cancers, especially breast and lung cancer kills 73,000 women each year. 90% of them who developed lung cancer have been cigarette smokers. According to American Cancer Association, breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women. Breast tumors are diagnosed in almost 211,000 women every year with almost 20% morality rate. To reduce your risk of developing cancer, lead a healthy lifestyle and meet with your doctor regularly to take preventive screenings. Cancer, if detected in its early stages, can save lives.

The third cause of women