
Women of all ages should visit their gynecologists for an annual physical examination to maintain optimum health. If they are sexually active, their annual physical should include a Pap smear test, which is a test that detects cervical cancer. The Pap smear has played an enormous role in decreasing the cervical cancer rate among young women. In addition, women between the ages of 40 and 50 should include mammograms along with their annual physicals. When women cross the age 50, they should include testing for colorectal cancer along with their physical examination.

Parents especially mothers, should teach their adolescent daughters about self-examination for breast cancer. Early awareness helps young women detect breast cancer in the early stages. All women should follow the below mentioned tips for healthy living. Mothers should follow these as well as educate their daughters about healthy lifestyles, so both mother and child grow to have healthier and longer lives.

Women of all ages need the mineral calcium in their body. Research suggests that the Post Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) including cramps can be reduced by 50% if proper calcium supplementation is followed. Osteoporosis after menopause can also be reduced drastically if proper daily calcium supplementation is followed. The menopausal women can reduce hot flashes and night sweats by taking vitamin E 400-800 mg per day. This also helps them protect their immune system and cardiovascular health.

If a woman is considering having children, then folic acid supplementation reduces the chances of them giving birth babies with birth defects. Stress is also one of the major factors that affect women