Pancreatin Can Help Improve Digestion and Boost Your Immune System

Pancreatin is secreted in a big gland in the body called the pancreas. A digestive enzyme pancreatin is used to supplement a loss of or low production of enzymes in the body. Pancreatin has shown results in helping in betterment of food allergies, celiac disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer and weight loss. Pancreatin is composed of amylase, lipase and protease.

The function of amylase is to break down starch that of lipase to break down fats and that of protease to metabolize complex proteins. The two important functions of pancreatin in the body are the proper digestion of food and a routine eradication of cancer. The enzymes not just contained in pancreatin but otherwise too act like a catalyst in the body and regularize the metabolism of the body.

The enzymes are involved in the process of catalyzing the hydrolysis of fats into glycerol and fatty acids and protein into proteoses. They convert starch into dextrins and sugars. Artificial injection of pancreatin is required for patients of cystic fibrosis. These patients have malabsorption of food in their body which can be due to excessive secretions from the pancreatic gland.

The best time to take a dose of enzymes is before, during or immediately after a meal. It is advisable to swallow the pills and not chew them. Pancreatitis a disorder caused due to the malfunctioning of the pancreas is treated with regularized doses of pancreatin.

It is advisable to take pancreatin supplements orally. However in the case of children especially before giving them pancreatin supplements a health care professional needs to be consulted.

If the person misses a dose of pancreatin then it should be taken as soon as it is remembered but if it is time for the second dose then don