Is The Energizer Bunny Mocking You?

Are you missing your "spark"? The "thing" that makes you want to get up in the morning and sing? Why is that? What is it that's getting in the way?

The answer is probably DRAINS. One of the definitions of drain is to exhaust physically or emotionally. Does this sound like what you are feeling? Do you lack the energy, drive, or ambition that you would like to have in one or more areas of your life? If so, it's time to recognize where your drains are so they can be properly exorcised.

How do you identify energy drains? They are the things that leave you felling unfulfilled, depressed, discouraged, exhausted, hopeless, or passionless. They can occur as a result of employment woes, too many demands, educational pursuits, relationships, health issues, or any other thing or person that touches your life. A very important point to remember is that energy drains are incredibly personal and unique. Something that is a serious drain to one person could be the ultimate passion of another. Take Helen and Naomi as prime examples of this point.

Helen is a working mom. She gets up at six in the morning, gets herself dressed and carries her sleeping son into her babysitter