The Secret Microsoft Excel Steps That Allows You To Select 50 Columns with just 5 Mouse Clicks

One of the great challenges that we have when working with Microsoft Excel is selecting large volumes of columns or rows as quickly as possible. The core reason we usually need to select such large numbers of columns is usually to hide them. For example if you are building a template for users to use, you would generally try to ensure that the only cells that they see is just the ones that you want them to use or put data into. However, one of the challenges we face is trying to select all those columns or rows as quickly as possible without having to drag the mouse over them. The process for hiding the columns is really simply. Just go to the Format menu, choose column from the drop down menu and then choose Hide but trying to select 50 columns or more can take a while and when we are using Microsoft Excel we really want to be as efficient as possible.

In fact, there is a technique that allows you to select all columns or all the rows in just 5 clicks. This technique can be used to select just a small selection of columns or rows like fifty or you could select 60,000 rows or 250 columns.

So let me expose this very efficient technique