Causes and Concerns Regarding Sleep Deprivation

Almost everyone has experienced sleep deprivation at one time or another in their lives. It could have been from being out all night with friends, working late into the night on a project or being up with a sick child. Sleep deprivation that occurs for one or two nights in a row is not considered to be as harmful as ongoing sleep deprivation. However, even a night or two of not enough sleep can have consequences.

There are many factors that can contribute to sleep deprivation. Some of them can be avoided and others are hard to avoid. For instance, having too much caffeine before bedtime, staying up late to watch television or going out until early in the morning with friends are all habits that can be changed if they are affecting your sleep. Things such as taking care of a new baby or a sick child are temporary and can't be helped until the baby starts sleeping through the night or your child is feeling better. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause and certain medications can also affect your ability to get a good night's sleep.

Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation can have a negative affect on different aspects of your life. One of the most obvious affects is the exhaustion and fatigue that any person who is not getting enough sleep will experience. This exhaustion can lead to mood swings such as crying for no reason or losing your temper over small things. Sleep deprivation also contributes to memory loss. For instance, many new moms talk about having