The Truth About Witchcraft Rituals

I get a very common question: "What is the difference between spells and rituals?" Some Witches don't think there is a difference... but there is!

...and it is important to know the difference, because there is a "time and place" for both of them. You'll notice a very different energy created when you do a ritual vs. a spell. And the results of the Magick energy you create and send out into the universe will be very, very different.

Here's what it's all about:

Rituals are a little bit like casting spells, but they are often even more powerful than spells.

Witchcraft rituals have a structured sequence of steps that you must follow to get the results you are trying to achieve. Whether it is finding love, money, protection, health, etc. you will also need to have your focus and emotions in the right place as you go through the motions in ritual.

Spells on the other hand, are often much quicker to cast