It's 12 Midnight, and Do You Know What Your Spouse Is Doing Online?

Elizabeth woke with a start and checked the clock. It was ten minutes to midnight, and Bob was gone again.

Her stomach clenching, she sat up. The covers were thrown back where Bob slept, and the empty space next to her seemed to signify the emptiness that had entered their once happy marriage.

She threw her legs over the side of the bed. She knew where he was.

This time, she approached his study as stealthily as she could. The door was ajar, and she could see him hunched in front of the monitor, typing furiously.

She tried to be silent, but when she pushed the door farther open, a hinge squeaked. Bob turned with a start, his eyes widening, his face suddenly slack. Quickly he turned back to the computer and pushed the power button.

The computer wheezed in agony as it was prematurely shut down.

Elizabeth stared at him for a moment, long enough to make sure he knew he wasn