The 411 on Selecting and Achieving Your Goals

Do you know what you truly desire to accomplish, obtain, or become in life? Not just a vague idea, but what you really want to do? Psychologists and sociologists theorize that because there are so many more options available for the average person in this new millennium, the decision-making process has become too convoluted, and has begun to actually hinder success. Achieving goals is a step by step process, with making a decision about what to accomplish being just a part of the whole process itself. So how does one select the appropriate goal?

Take for example the college student who must decide on a major by his or her junior year. Once upon a time when so few people were pursuing higher education the decision about what to major in was often a family decision. The choice was made by the determination of how best a degree would serve the purposes of the family and/or the community. Of course gender played a significant affect on the available options. But today just about anyone can major in, study, or become anything they want. Talk about your bevy of choices, definitely not an easy task.

High school, freshman and sophomore years are supposed to be