Lawn and Garden Care - Simple Tips For Success

Lawn and garden care is something even the most inexperienced gardener can do. This article has some simple tips to follow for lawn and garden care. Simple steps provided below for virtually guaranteed success with your lawn and garden.

Plan Your Lawn First

The planning stage of lawn and garden care is actually easier said than done. Choose a layout for your lawn, one that allows you to mow without stopping or backing up.

Choose The Right Type of Grass

The type of grass is another important step in lawn and garden care. As much as possible, you want your lawn grass to be compatible with the soil in your region. After years of rendering lawn and garden care, we have found out that some grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass, prefer cool northern weather.

Test The Soil Before Planting

A soil test is the next most important aspect of lawn and garden care. Often, organic matter is recommended to increase the nutrient levels in soil. However, when it comes to achieving acid balance, lawn and garden care specialists recommend lime or sulfur to adjust the soil