Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism: Five Key Questions to Set the Scene for Success

To help our kids who have Autism or Asperger Syndrome thrive in mainstream settings, you have to first pay attention to who they are as unique individuals.

Following are five key questions to help you reflect on what you are doing now and guide you to help these kids and adults have success:

1. Are you sure your child or student knows what it is you want him or her to do? Be sure the task is achievable and then be sure to understand the particular way he or she learns to act on information. Expressions of speech are likely to confuse him while a visual picture, or demonstration of instructions are likely to get him going.

2. Do you have a plan or are you trying whatever technique comes to you as issues arise? Those effective techniques with your mainstream kids will probably let you down. You must have a program that orients around the needs and interests of your child or student with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. You have to really 'know your customer'. Spending time with a parent, last year