So You Are Going To College: Advice For Freshmen

As a college professor, I have dealt with all sorts of students during my many years of teaching.

Among the various types of students, there are those who truly love he subject matter and hence are totally dedicated to it; those who feel they are entitled to pass the course and hence work the bare minimum, if at all, and expect to get a good grade; those who have difficulty and hence either seek help or ignore the course completely; meaning, they may get a C or fail the course entirely.

There are those who hate you as a teacher, no matter what you do. These are the less mature ones who cannot separate their dis-likeness of the subject matter from the person teaching it. There are those who simply dislike you, meaning, there is some sort of projection going on. The reverse is also true. There are those who, even having some from of disconnection with the instructor, still go around it and work on the course.

There are those who are not well and those who happen to be having a tragic semester (for example: getting sick, losing someone in the family, having a car accident, and so on, all within weeks of each tragedy). There are those who truly love you regardless of what you teach and have a lot of fun in your class. There are those who need more sleep and choose your class to catch up with it; those who think that because they are paying customers they don