Hurricanes and Alternative Health Issues

There are many alternative ways to have great health besides taking lots of drugs. Alternative health methods make sense and consider if you will what if you and your family were caught in earthquake or a major hurricane and you were unable to evacuate therefore there was no way to get the medicine you needed to maintain your present state of health.

Although this scenario may sound rather silly it is not. During the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season many people found that the roads were out and the power was out and water was turned off or polluted for three to four weeks. If you are requiring some type of medicine to stay alive then you might end up dying.

If however you used alternative medicines and alternative health practices to stay healthy you would not have to worry about being able to get your medicine. Perhaps you have heard the joke; Grandma is on drugs? Well, many older Americans take several or many different types of drugs to stay a lot and without them they are in dire shape.

Yet often these drugs that they take over time are actually hurting them. What would you do if you could not get your medicine for three or four weeks and you were trapped with no power and water? All of a sudden alternative health issues make a lot of sense. Consider all this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author