Hurricanes and Religion

During the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season we watched hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and destroyed city after city and we all know what happened 12 hours later as the levee broke in New Orleans; filling up the city like a soup bowl.

Perhaps you're aware that many people decided as the hurricane Katrina hit that they would pray and they actually believed that they stop the hurricane from a direct hit on New Orleans, but they stop praying probably too early, as they got the Hurricane to miss New Orleans but then as the Christians in all those group prayers slept the levee broke.

What can we learn from this? One of two things; either praying did no good all as the city of New Orleans is a total loss and ought to be condemned as a Superfund site or the Christians counted their chickens before they hatched and made a calculated error because they did not observe the situation with Lake Ponchartrain filling to the rim.

During the 2006 Atlantic tropical season we have to ask ourselves should we even bother to pray against the wrath of Mother Nature? Or should we just sit back and watch everything unfold on our TV sets? Some who believe in the power of prayer will try to pray anyway even if it does no good and still people die. I think since 4500 people died during hurricane Katrina that the Christians who prayed wasted their time. Silly humans your minds are not powerful enough. Perhaps you should consider this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author