Hurricanes and Vacation Rentals

Have you been considering buying a vacation rental, have you considered buying a vacation rental within a hurricane zone or region of the United States or Caribbean, which is known for hurricane strikes of large categories? Are you concerned that you might invest in a vacation rental only to find that a hurricane comes in and wipes it out?

Many vacation rentals are set in a paradise setting next to the ocean. The only problem is that being next to the ocean also means that you will get storm surges from hurricanes and there's not a lot blocking the wind if the hurricane is a large category. What may seem like a very good deal for a vacation rental that you buy to rent out could become a terrible loss and a huge right-off that maybe you don't need in your financial nest egg.

However, if you are just a renter of vacation rentals, then you can enjoy those paradise settings next to the beach without taking the risk of having your own property destroyed or devastated by a massive hurricane like we saw during the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season. A vacation rentals make sense in it makes sense to rent these exclusive hideaway paradise villas, rather than risking your own money in a deadly hurricane zone. Please consider this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author