You're Getting Married, But Do Your Parents Approve?

In our modern age, here is the way relationships are made. Boy and girl sign up for an online dating service or for speed dating. When they finally have a real date they find that they do enjoy each others company. After a few dates spread out over a couple of months, the couple decides that they can make it work and become more serious. They introduce their new beau to their friends. If the guy pops the question and the girl decides to go for it, they announce to their respective families that they are getting married.

Sometimes the match is a great one indeed. That however is the rare case. More often than not, such impetuous and whirlwind relationships don't last, not due to any fault of the dating services who introduced them but because the relationship may not have been built on a solid foundation.

Often we take our parents for granted. We get to the point where we believe that we are all grown up and capable of making our own decisions. We don't want their help or their interference, thank you. We begin to feel that we have outgrown the need for their counsel.

In most cases that may be true but not when we talk about married life or happily ever after. Generally speaking they are most valuable to us at times like these, when the crossroads come. Though we are still the ones who will make the final decision, their life experience can help us make clearer choices, whether or not we disagree with their point of view.

Seriously think about it. When you bring anyone home to meet them, it may be true that they tell you after that he or she isn't good enough for you. Before you get angry, stop and think about what they said. Is it really true? Could it be that they are right and perceive a vital characteristic that may lead to the failure of your relationship?

There is a very valid and logical reason why the old fashioned practice of asking for the parents blessing is a tradition. Take out the factor that marriages then were arranged and made for increased wealth, and you'll find that parents today still look for the same things. They look for the person who will accept their child for the treasure they are, and who will treat them as such. The last thing that they want is for the special person that they raised to have less than what they provided.

In general, our loving parents will want only what is best for us. They will want the person we marry to be someone who will truly give us a match made in heaven and never leave us in need of anything. Keep in mind that no matter how old we get, to them we are always their children. Ask for their blessing, they love you and just wish the best for you. Let them be a part of your decision.

Lesley-Ann Graham runs - a valuable wedding planning resource with articles, tips and advice to help you plan your perfect wedding. Visit Lesley-Ann's wedding forum for more free wedding planning help and advice.

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