Free Annual Credit Reports

Checking your credit report is an efficient tool in battling identity theft. You can order a free credit report once every twelve months from any of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies.

All the information available regarding your credit history like your address, transaction profile and any government offenses are listed in the credit report. Consumer companies nationwide sell your credit report to creditors, insurance companies, possible recruitment agencies and other businesses that need to assess your request for, employment, insurance, credit, or renting. That's why it is helpful to make sure the information on your report is accurate, complete and up-to-date before you apply for a loan.

You can visit a credit report site to get your free report online. Sites can also offer a toll-free number to order their free annual credit reports, or you can download a form and send it to their website.

Consumers can order all three reports at the same time, or they can stagger their requests over a period of a year. Consumers are eligible to order a free credit report any time. They are not required to submit their request within a certain period of time.

Banks will remind you if they are giving you credit at a higher interest based on your credit score and warn you if they have divulged any negative information about you in other credit agencies.

Scrutinizing your own credit report once a year should be a habit that you do frequently, especially with the rise of identity theft related crimes. Be aware of other sites that claim to provide free credit reports and any e-mails that claim to be from a consumer reporting agency. Seeing if it