Work Place Communication in Non-Profits with Paid and Volunteer Staff

In a non-profit business workplace communication is very important. In fact you often find volunteer staff and paid employees bumping heads. This does not need to occur, but it should be expected. Volunteer employees may very much care about the non-profit that they working for, but resent and dislikes the fact that they are not getting paid and another staff member is.

To improve work place communication in non-profit groups between paid and unpaid volunteer staff it makes sense to get them together once in a while; everyone so as to make sure that there is a positive relationship between all employees. We often see communication workplace breakdowns in nonprofits, as some people care more about the non-profit they are involved with and the concept behind it then they do about office politics and ego.

Unfortunately sometimes it takes a little bit of the ego to run a non-profit business and this causes problems with volunteer staff who are there working out of the goodness of their heart and to keep themselves busy in a positive endeavor. Workplace communication in nonprofits with paid and volunteer staff must be considered if that non-profit is to run efficiently.

All board members of the non-profit group should understand this and either allot some of money to professional workplace communication experts to come in or facilitate team building efforts between the paid staff and the volunteer staff. Please consider this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author