Hurricanes and Internet Marketing

If you are an Internet marketer you know that when the Atlantic tropical hurricane season comes that some of the power lines will be out and most of the Internet in certain regions in United States of America will be down. This will limit your sales even if you host your servers and other parts of the country, as many people will not be able to get onto the Internet at all to look at your website or buy your products.

However, often the remnants of storms are not as destructive and devastating and cause people to stay in their homes for many days and this helps Internet traffic and will boost the number of people on the Internet and the number of people who come to your website. During the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season the overall Internet usage actually went up in it was nearly double. Many people surfing Hurricane information; thus it might be a good time for a little Hurricane Marketing?

If you do Internet marketing it pays to think ahead and re-develop your website with new material that people can read during the Atlantic tropical hurricane seasons and it makes sense to do this as it will attract former visitors to your site who may come back again and look to see if there is anything new. If you are in Internet marketing perhaps you should consider the hurricane season and the traffic that the Internet generates due to bad weather. Please consider this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author