Georgia Divorce Laws

Getting a divorce can be a complex and messy process. However, a good divorce attorney can make the whole procedure quick and less painful.

Divorce includes a number of legalities that deal with the separation between a husband and wife. All such issues would be taken care of by a family law practitioner or an exclusive divorce lawyer specializing in that field. Interests of both the parties need to be considered during a divorce proceeding. It could be a difficult time for the whole family, and compassion, understanding and sympathy need to be part of the parcel of every divorce attorney.

The state of Georgia has a no-fault divorce policy. This means that the state does not require reasons for divorce, and the courts try to make the process as painless as possible for both parties. However, the division of assets and child custody require reasons for attainment of such. As in other states, Georgia accepts a divorce filing on the grounds of irreconcilable differences or irretrievable breakdown. Also, divorce is allowed when the partners have separated for more than a year prior to filing for the divorce. In such situations that case becomes an uncontested divorce and can be granted even when either party applies for divorce without both filing for the divorce together.

The court gets to decide who gets custody of the child. However, custody-related matters need to be finalized before the divorce is granted. The court would decide child support and custody matters while looking out for the child