Top 7 Tips for Designing a Marketing Plan

There is a professional way to making a marketing plan, which is outlined in MBA textbooks. Now then, I want you to take your MBA textbooks marketing plan and shitcan it.

Next, I want you to go down to AAA American automobile club and get a map of the city in which your business will be. Put a red dot where your business will be on the map and then take a string equal to a ten mile radius and put one end all the red dot and put a pencil on the other end. Next, draw a ten-mile circle around your location.

Now do the same thing for all the competitors in your market. Everywhere there is an overlap take a colored pencil and shade it in. Next anywhere in the ten mile radius where there is a river or a railroad track which limits travel across it like a wall then take that area out of your circle. Where there are traffic points that allow people to cross these barriers, make a series of a half Moon's equally in the total distance of ten miles.

This will give you a better understanding of where your business