Career Planning: Great Job But Can't Afford to Move

Q. I live in a wonderful house in the Midwest. Recently a recruiter asked if I would consider a new job with a move to Southern California. The salary would be higher but the cost of living -- ouch! Should I go on the interview?

A. Let's do the easy part first. I almost always recommend going on the interview. Of course, do not jeopardize your current job or current clients.

But you have little to lose. Occasionally you will be considered for other jobs in the company. You may be able to negotiate a telecommute option. Your interviewer may know of other opportunities in more desirable locations.

And now let's say you get a job offer for Los Angeles. You wonder if you can find a place to rent or buy. The only affordable homes seem to be 2 hours away from your job. What can you do?

We're focusing here on finding a place to live, but the process works for other must-haves, too: access to the ocean, driving versus public transportation, art museums...even a good bakery or deli.

(a) Visit your new city before you accept an offer. Don't skip this step, even if you pay your own way.

(b) Look around on your own -- not with an agent or company representative. (If an agent offers to show you around, take another day alone.)

As you look, make detailed notes. Stay in touch with an objective friend, family member or paid consultant