3 Simple Ways Of Getting A Credit Card After Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy administers a devastating blow to your credit card. A bankruptcy may remain on your credit report for up to 10 years. But these effects do not remain long lasting; it starts to diminish on your credit report as soon as your case is closed.

Even before bankruptcy drops your previous credit report, you could qualify for credit with good rates and terms. In fact, newly discharged debtors are frequently solicited for enrollment onto new cards. However, before you plunge back into the credit world, consider the extent to which easy credit lead to a bankruptcy filing before you sign up for new cards. You must ensure that a responsible credit habit is maintained for payment of bills, and only a small portion of the available credit should be used.

Most credit card companies will allow you to keep their credit card for use even after you have filed bankruptcy. This is on the condition that you agree to reaffirm the balance on the card and enter into a new agreement, which is signed after the bankruptcy filing. Most creditors want your future business, and hence will be willing for you to use their cards.

A recent bankrupt may give you trouble to qualify for a regular, unsecured credit card. It may even turn out to be more expensive than before, and available with lower limits. Financially, secured credit cards offer you a better deal than any of the unsecured cards you