Difficulties in Curing Gastric Ulcer

Stomach ulcer, also referred to as gastric ulcer is a serious disorder that causes open lesions at the level of the stomach. Gastric ulcer commonly affects people with ages over 50 and it has the highest incidence in the female gender. Although there are many factors that can lead to the development of gastric ulcer, the disorder generally occurs due poor blood circulation in the lining of the stomach and an overproduction of digestive fluids. Infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria is also a major cause of gastric ulcers. These bacteria weaken the stomach walls, enabling gastric acids to cause inflammation and ulcerations to the mucosal protective cover of the stomach. In addition, Helicobacter pylori bacteria trigger an overproduction of digestive fluids, thus allowing the ulcer to progress further.

Gastric ulcer usually occurs in the region of the posterior stomach wall, in the proximity of the pyloric orifice. In the initial stage of the disease, the ulcer appears as a circular lesion with a diameter of 1-2 cm. In the absence of proper medical treatment, the ulcer can expand, causing a wide hole in the stomach wall. This complication is referred to as perforated ulcer and it is considered to be a medical emergency. Along with internal bleeding, perforated ulcer accounts for thousands of annual deaths in the United States.

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