Audio Streaming and Website Strategy

Adding sound clips to your website is something that makes sense and often intrigues your visitors. In fact in a recent study of 100 websites in 10 different industries those links which had audio streaming available where used 50% more than all the other pages on the website. Why?

Because Internet Surfers and users like them and it is beneficial to please the users of your site, as it increases repeat visits and tends to keep users on your site surfing longer and increasing your average page views too.

Audio streaming should be simple and buffering needs to be set to not the slowest connection speed, but rather a mean average of 52K. Many users especially if you are in a technology trade will be well above that, they are not use to waiting for such nor should you make them wait.

Another thought is simply to allow them to set their own speed and buffer with couple of extra clicks they are good as gold and happy as punch. What types of audio can you have? Well quick audio streaming of NASCAR racing or something of that nature sure makes it fun if you have an automotive industry site.

If you have an aviation site or science site, how about sounds from the Reno Air Races or Neil Armstrong’s famous quote; “One small step for man, once giant step for mankind!” Consider audio streaming and how it can help your website strategy in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author