Selling; Stop Telling and Start Listening

Are you a professional sales person? Would you like to earn more commissions, make more sales and well, just sell more? Would you like to be the top sales person where you work? Would you like to be the top dog and always post the best results? Well have you considered that you could sell more if you would stop telling and start listening more to your prospect?

Engage them in conversation meaningful to their needs and desires. If your prospect is interesting in what you sell and you are moving forward in the sales process, then you need to use that golden ratio you heard about; You have two ears and one mouth and you need to be thinking about that ratio and listening twice as much as you talk.

If you want to increase sales, stop talking, telling stories and telling the potential customer or prospect what you want them to hear and ask them what they are interested in. What they like and don’t like? Ask them what you can do to help them and figure out how you can solve their problems, issues and any objections.

Do a little more listening and a lot less talking. Much of real selling is not about simply Telling, but rather about really Listening. You will do so much better in sales if you consider this and you will have happier clientele who will then do the telling for you via Word-of-Mouth advertising and referrals. So, please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author