Dream Spitters

Take a look at those around you they are the ones who influence your life the most. What are they doing to your dreams, your esteem, and your potential? They are either being destructive or constructive to your future plans. Never let anybody tell you what you can or can't do or what you should or should not do. This is your life and it is up to you.

There are 4 types of people in this world; Zombies, (Living Dead) Dreamers, Achievers and those that are Exponentially Successful. We have all met the zombies. They tend to suck the energy right out of you they have given up on life, and on their goals and on their happiness and will do everything in their power to impede you from achieving yours. They love to burst your dreams and remind you of all the impossibilities and why you can't do it. You remind them of what they wanted to get out of life and what they never achieved. One challenge that holds many back from doing the things in life that will make them happy and successful are others who criticize and laugh and spit on their dreams. The reason they will point fingers and pull you down is that they see in you what they always wanted to have the desire and drive to accomplish the things they always wanted to do. You will find jealousy and envy. When you find these people in your life, use it for energy. These people don't like to be reminded of all they have missed and all they don't have or enjoy.

Success and happiness is the best revenge. When we are armed with this knowledge we are more capable of seeing what those around us are trying to do. Many don't do this consciously, and don't know why they have these feelings. You need to have the courage to try to do the things you know you want to do.

Then there are the dreamers who try many things for a few weeks but never stick to it long enough to make it successful. They have a plethora of projects and tend to say "could of," "should of," "some day I