Top Fitness Equipment and Activity Tips for Kids

Are your kids getting enough exercise? If you are like most parents, you are deeply concerned about the state of your kids' fitness...or their total lack of fitness altogether.

Kids today just do not get enough exercise. The Lure of dozens of screens, with hundreds of functions in almost as many sizes is leading to record levels of obesity in kids as young as six years old and well into their teens.

To help you cope with the fitness vacuum, here are ten tips you can apply in your kid's life before it is too late:

A) Kick them out. It is a proven fact that kids who are throwing balls, skipping rope, chasing each other and climbing on structures are more fit than kids who sit around the house. Just one detail...don't kick their cell phones and their iPods and their other anti-fitness equipment out with them.

B) Try more physical playing with your children. Chase your kids around. Bonus, you get exercise too.

C) Make Christmas a celebration of fitness. No, don't chase your kids up the tree...just give them some fitness toys instead of toys they would play sitting down.

D) Make fitness a family affair. You have probably already noticed how hard it is to find time to do things together as a family. This is your golden opportunity. The element of peer pressure (the whole family is going, so you can't skip out) will help the kids keep on track. And let's face the facts