Hypnotherapy: Using the Power of The Mind to Heal

New scientific studies are demonstrating that the chemical byproduct of thinking is found in every cell of the body and that the thoughts you think have a powerful effect on your immune system. This is good news for those who already use the power of the mind and positive thinking to help you heal your body. Now they have a scientific base for their work as well as empirical evidence.

Biofeedback, for example, is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own bodies. It is used by physical therapists to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles and by psychologists to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax. No one questions its use anymore, because people have demonstrated clearly that by using biofeedback, they can lower their heart rate, lower their blood pressure, stop headaches and other pain and much more. They are using their mind and emotions to control physical symptoms.(This actually is a good definition of hypnosis).

Some researchers say that we are walking pharmacies, able to manufacture those chemicals our bodies need to prevent illness and/or restore us to wholeness. The scientists have further discovered that the chemicals produced by thinking are found in every cell in the human body, not just in brain cells. So if we can produce our own healing chemicals with the mind at a cellular level, what is the logical conclusion? Can we, using our thoughts, manufacture the chemicals that prevent illness or bring about a cure and distribute them to the cells?

From these and other findings and questions, a new focus of study has emerged, that of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI is the study of the interactions between the mind, the nervous system and the immune system, and the relationship between behavior and health. In other words, science is discovering what the mystics have known all along.