Review for Tailwind: Days of Cottonmouths and Cotton Candy

Title: Tailwind: Days of Cottonmouths and Cotton Candy

Author: Lad Moore

Publisher: BeWrite Books

Publisher's Address: 363 Badminton Road, Nibley, Bristol,BS37 5JF

ISBN number: 1-904492-02-9

Price: $16.75

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Tailwind: Days of Cottonmouths and Cotton Candy

By Lad Moore

Review by Aaron Paul Lazar

Author of the LeGarde Mystery Series

Tailwind shines with vignettes that drip like pearls of dew, one at a time, to be savored as cool water on a parched tongue. Each story, replete with humor and pathos, transports the reader to the world of rural East Texas in the mid-twentieth century. Mr. Moore