Does Spiritualism Really Bother the Dead?

I am a natural clairvoyant medium although I have never been a religious person, only attending church for the usual family functions, e.g. weddings, christenings and funerals. To me the church had a somewhat staid feeling about it and I was fortunate enough to have parents that did not insist that I belong to one denomination or another. My father was a Catholic but he was also a free thinker and allowed me to develop my own ideas.

Mediumship was a faculty that was present within my family and involved my grandmother, and all her three daughters. Therefore we did not tend to make a secret of it nor a big deal, it just happened that our dead returned to contact us and we could pass messages on to the grieving relatives of others if and when the situation arose.

My initial encounter with Spiritualism came as a process of personal enlightenment really, I was seeking something that filled a void within me, something that could give me a sense of belonging yet without demanding that I praise God, Jesus, Buddha or the Immaculate Lady or any number of other idols from religious persuasions at regular intervals.

After attending several services I joined a Spiritualist church and was surprised not to be given a bible or expected to absolve my