Have You Got a Big Backend?

Do you find yourself worn out by trying to attract new clients into your coaching practice? One obvious way to add stability to your coaching practice is to regularly engage in activities that bring new clients to your door. However, this is not the most effective... by a long shot.

Attracting new clients into your coaching practice can be one of the most time-consuming, energy-intensive and money-draining activities you can be involved in. Sure it needs to be done but you don't need to do this exclusively to build your own successful coaching practice.

So what's better?

Well, look a little closer to home. Look at the clients you already have in your coaching practice. You've already taken the time, effort and expense to bring them to your door. You've built a relationship with them such that they trust you enough to do business with you. Ask yourself: what else can you be offering them?

This is a crucial concept known as the backend. This is what you sell to clients after they come into your coaching practice.

Here are a few examples:

You have a client who comes into your coaching practice for a month. You upgrade them later to a 6 month coaching program that deals with specific areas of their life.

You have a client who initially comes to you for coaching on a regular basis. You then deliver a seminars or teleseminars that deliver useful content for them at a fee. You win and they win.

You have a client who started coming to you for coaching. You find ancillary products and services that you know will be of benefit to them. For example, where appropriate, I offer some clients a Website Package so that they can have a competent presence on the Internet for their coaching practice.

The key here is to ask yourself the question below:

What else can you make available to your existing clients?

Here are some points to think about:

1. Your products and services - What products and services do you have that would be useful to your existing clients? What products and services could you add to your practice to give you more possibilities in this area?

2. Other's products and services - What products and services do you know of that would be useful for your existing clients yet are provided by others? Is there a way that you can ethically benefit from recommending these products and services?

3. Timeframes - Think of what your client needs before, during and after they come into your coaching practice. Are there any ways that you can increase the potential for transactions in your coaching practice during each of these timeframes?

I hope that this article has got you thinking about the possibilities you have for extending the number of ways that you can further stabilize your coaching practice from your existing clientele.

Remember that it is much easier to continue to do business with existing clients than it is to search for new clients and keep making small, one off transactions.

Shaun O'Reilly is the founder of Authentic Practice and works exclusively with coaches to help them to build successful coaching practices.

He is also the author of The 5 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make in Marketing and How You Can Avoid Them. To get your free copy just go to:


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Shaun O\'Reilly - EzineArticles Expert Author