Email Management Made Easy

Work-at-home moms know how important time management is in running a successful business. Often they need help with daily operational procedures and learning how to make the most of their time. Here are some tips to help you run your business more successfully.

Organize your email in color!

If you use Outlook or even Outlook Express, use color to organize your email. I have a visual personality so sorting by color organizes me quicker and without much thought involved on my part so it works for me. Maybe it will for you too!

I have all my clients email headers in red, my personal email from friends in green, family gets blue, e-lists get purple and the vendor email is brown. This way I can easily scan priority email every morning. It also makes the spam stick out since I leave this black and can scan through it easier to click and delete.

So how do I color my headers in my email box? The first thing you need to do is to select a message from the person you want all messages color highlighted.

Next you're looking for the Organize button located on the Standard toolbar. (You can also find Organize in the Tools menu). The Organize feature will open at the top of your mailbox.

On the left you should find the "Using Colors" option. Click it. The statement in this feature is simple enough.

By default it is trying to color messages "from" someone and the senders name from the highlighted message is already filled in, so... all you have to do is to pick a color from the drop down list at the end.

Click the Apply Color button and never overlook an email from that person again.

Another tip from Diana Ennen of Virtual Word Publishing, is:

Get into the habit of scheduling a certain time of day to read your e-mails. Don