Is Your Level Of Self-Confidence Directly Proportional To The Size Of Your Bank Account?

What Having NO Money Does To A Person's Mind

Napoleon Hill, in discussing the "Six Ghosts of Fear" (in his book Think and Grow Rich), explained that he chose to write the book on how to get money because the fear of poverty does great damage - especially psychologically - to those it takes hold of. Drawing from the writing of one Westbrook Pegler, Hill described the deteriorating self-esteem/confidence that plagues a person who lacks money, and how this consequently affects his/her physical appearance - in the way s/he carries him/herself(e.g. drooping shoulders) etc.

When a person lacks money, Hill wrote, s/he is more prone to feeling inferior to others who have it, even though s/he may know they are not his/her equal in ability or intellect. Also, even though they may not say so to his/her face, s/he will be conscious of the fact that others may view him/her with pity. The feeling of inadequacy arising from a lack of money will worsen even when s/he borrows money. I would add that this will be more so if s/he is forced to do so to cover living expenses, instead of directing it a productive activity that can enable him/her command earned income which will eliminate the need for further borrowing.

Only few people are able to maintain the mental discipline needed to avoid falling into the incapacitating state of mind described above, when they come face to face with a lack of money. Yet, those who persevere in the face of this most difficult form of testing, stand the greatest chance of succeeding in achieving any goal they set for themselves. To achieve success one needs to understand HOW to maintain an upbeat mental state so as to overcome the challenge of a lack of money if/when it has to be confronted.

What Will Happen If/When YOU Run Out Of Money?

So let me ask you. What will you be like when you have absolutely no money - or when you are - as Burt Dubin would say - "Maxed to the hilt"? Will you be as self-confident as you are when you have money? Do your clothes make you or do you make your clothes? Does your judgment or assessment of another person - whether or not to respect him/her - depend on what car s/he rides? Or is it influenced by the clothes, material possessions, social status of those he/she moves with etc? What are your values? What is it that readily commands your attention and interest? You need to know yourself!

Every adult with responsibility naturally dreads running out of cash. Not only can it be embarrassing and humiliating, it also has the potential to cause problems with those who depends on us - children, spouses etc. Relationships and marriages can be greatly threatened during periods of financial hardship, and very often only the ability of the couple or partners to endure will save the situation.

Most importantly, the ability to pick oneself up and work hard to eliminate the situation that creates one's lack of money, depends very greatly on having a healthy level of self-esteem and confidence. This in turn requires the person concerned, to develop a mental attitude that separates one's feeling of self-worth from that based on acquiring material possessions - especially money.

But maybe I'm assuming too much here. Perhaps I should have started by asking : Has it(i.e. running out of money) ever happened to you before? Really? I don