
Menopause is a natural biological process. The first menopause symptom will appear when your ovaries start making less estrogen and progesterone. The age at which this begins will vary. Some women begin experiencing menopause symptoms in their 30s. Others may not begin until they reach their 50s. Every woman is unique and every woman will have their own unique journey through menopause. For some, it is fast and easy. For others, it will go on for years and can be very difficult. You should consult with your physician when you first begin experiencing signs of menopause.

The first stage is perimenopause. This is when you will first experience menopausal symptoms. It usually begins with irregular periods. They may become heavier or lighter. You may miss a few periods or your periods may become unpredictable. This is caused when your hormone levels begin to rise and fall unevenly. It may last for several years. This is when you will probably first start experiencing hot flashes or night sweats too. As you continue through menopause, your symptoms may increase or decrease. Another common symptom is sleep disturbance, which is usually caused by night sweats. Lack of sleep can also lead to mood swings and irritability and can also affect your overall health.

Many women also gain weight during menopause, particularly in the abdomen. So it is particularly important that you eat healthy and exercise.

You will probably begin to notice changes in your skin too. Wrinkles will become more apparent. Due to the hormonal fluctuations, you may also experience acne. Your body will continue to produce testosterone and you may develop hair on your upper lip and chin.

Health Risks

During menopause you can lose bone density at a rapid rate, making you at greater risk for osteoporosis. It is very important to incorporate calcium into your diet