Building Relationships By Phone

The telephone has arguably done more to help sales professionals than any other invention in history. And still it is the most under-utilised tool in your toolbox. Note I don't say under-used, because if you're like most professionals, you are probably on the phone more than two hours a day. The question is, how effective are you at using the phone to move your prospects closer to the sale and going deeper with your clients/customers to generate more sales and cross-selling opportunities?

It's a fact that some people are naturally good on the phone. Others need to work at it. Here are some key skills and qualities you need to be good on the phone. You only need to be weak in one or two of these areas to undermine your performance and stop you getting excited about using the phone.

A clear voice. Talking slower and in a lower pitch has also been found to yield better results than fast, high pitched talking

Self belief. You should be confident in what you say and deliver. Just as dogs can smell fear, prospects and contacts can smell