Caliber of Online Article Submission Site Comments

The online article submission site venue is growing in a healthy trend that few industry analysts in any sector who study charts and trends would disagree. In studying this sector I see many things myself. For the past 15 months I have written 7000 articles and put them online and watched some folks comment on my articles with negative comments.

Since I write often Politically Controversial articles one could expect this of course. Yet I am certainly not the least bit interested in rehashing the other perspective having already studied all sides of the controversy prior to writing such articles. It is for this reason I have been deleting all the comments to my articles from the mindless masses.

Over all and as far as the quality of the comments on the articles on one of the top online article submission sites I have studied; I would say that some are decent but some are also not high caliber thought so, that is a consideration too. It would be good to increase the quality of readers on online article submission sites.

Indeed when I write an article on Hair Styles and it gets 22,000 page views well let