Credit Card Debt

If you have credit cards, but have not yet let your spending get out of hand, then now is the time to take stock of your position and make some decisions about your financial future. Ask yourself what do you want those credit cards for? Do you just want them so that you have a source of payment in emergencies, to shop occasionally online, or when you travel abroad? Or do you plan on going on a shopping spree and spending the rest of the year struggling to clear the balance? Most people do not intend to ever use up their credit limits and max out their credit cards, but it is surprisingly easy to do, and can be very difficult to undo.

In many instances, lenders know that when they give out a credit card, it is like putting someone on the edge of a cliff. While not exactly pushing you over, they do place you in a very good position if you want to just make the jump your self. It can be very unfair, and anger against some practices of the lending industry is growing. For example, in a recent case in Ireland, a woman